How would it feel ask the person who just built and sold a $100 million business how he did it?
More importantly, how he would do it in your industry? What would it be like to know 30 other peers share and support your vision completely, and are there for you?
As returning mastermind member Steve Lishansky says “The only difference between a hallucination and a vision is how many people believe it!”
Since the CLM leaders are experts at modelling, we are constantly finding the genius in our own group and facilitating ways for members to share the genius with each other.
Our members include: Venture Backed CEOs, entrepreneurial CEOs, Best Selling Authors, Inventors, Media Personalities, Doctors, Investment Experts, and Senior Leaders in Major Public Companies, Finance Experts, Real Estate Experts, Leadership Trainers, and Transformation Experts.
What makes this group so special? Heart and genuine caring for the other members in the group. Every member was interviewed and selected because they are both leaders and givers, people who want to be part of a greater whole.
Greg Burzynski, MD, Clinical Director of The Burzynski Clinic (Major integrative Cancer Treatment Center) said: “When I was facing some complex business problems, a member flew out to spend the weekend with our team at his own expense, to volunteer to help us. I’ve never seen that. I have really appreciated the coaching and modeling, and learning from the best experts. I can’t really put a value on this group and highly recommend it.
Every member is part of a mastermind small group that meets regularly, there are masterminding opportunities at every monthly live webinar, there is masterminding and support at all live events, and individual members connect regularly outside the scheduled programs.
For more information on the Conscious Mastermind Group and to Apply for membership, click here: